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Protection of children and young people
Dear parents,
the Internet exercises a big attraction, just also on children and youngsters. To protect your children when required against youth-endangering contents on the Internet, the association JusProg inc. was founded by Orion and other famous enterprises from the erotic branch and publishing company branch. JusProg inc. offers to you free filter software for the download for your browser in the home PC. As a base serves the system the worldwide approved Internet Content rating association (ICRA).

After installation of the filter software you have different possibilities of the protection of persons under age before the web pages doubtful for her respective age step. You receive further information to JusProg inc., to his members as well as the free download of the filter software under und

Protection of children and young people-commissioned:
Lawyer Dr. Volker Herrmann
Terhaag & Partner Rechtsanwälte
Stresemannstraße 26
40210 Düsseldorf